Adsorption dryer Heat Regenerated

Principle of operation

The compressed fluid to be treated is circulated through one of the two towers that make up the drying equipment, where, on coming into contact with the dehydrating agent, it gives up to the latter the quantity of water vapour it contains, by virtue of the physical phenomenon known as “adsorption”.

The residual vapour remaining in the compressed fluid after the drying process is evaluated indirectly on the basis of its dew point or may operate at a fixed regeneration cycle.

Each of the two towers that make up the drying equipment has sufficient adsorption capacity to treat the flow of compressed fluid for a certain period of time (semi-cycle), after which the regeneration of the dehydrating agent inside the tower is carried out, while the other tower continues the drying process, one of them being at any time in the drying phase and the other in the regeneration phase.

The adsorption dryers with regeneration by means of an external heater have a heat source common to both towers. In the regeneration process by external heating, the loss of process fluid is nil. The regeneration fluid is supplied by a blower or from the compressor flow.

The complete regeneration process consists of two stages: a desorption stage and a cooling stage. Both are carried out at atmospheric pressure, as it is necessary to decompress the tower to be regenerated before starting the process, and to bring it back to operating pressure (pressurisation) once the process has been completed.

The desorption phase involves the evaporation of the water retained by the dehydrator (heat input) and its transport out of the equipment (circulation of a low-hygrometric medium that accepts the steam generated).

The heat given off by the heater is transmitted to the dehydrator, raising its temperature and leading to the re-evaporation of the water vapour adsorbed in the previous semi-cycle. The circulation of the regeneration fluid inside the tower maintains a hygrometric level that makes re-evaporation possible, as it incorporates the vapour that is formed and carries it with it out of the equipment.

All the manoeuvres necessary for the operation of the equipment in accordance with the operating principle that has been described, are carried out fully automatically by means of an electro-pneumatic control system that governs the operation of the heaters and valves.

Main features:

  • Maximum working pressures up to 350 Bar
  • Working temperatures up to 60ºC
  • Working flow rates up to 15000 m3/h
  • Dew point down to -70ºC
  • Cycle: Fixed or linked to dew point


  • Glass market
  • Chemical market
  • Oil and Gas
  • Petrochemical market
  • Energy market

Heatless adsorption dryer


Mixed Dryer (Refrigeration + Adsorption)