Heatless adsorption dryer

Principle of operation

The compressed air to be treated flows by one of the two towers of which the dryer is made up. Inside, when it comes into contact with the desiccant material, it releases nearly all the water vapour that contains to this material by the physical phenomenon known as “adsorption”.

The residual vapour remaining in the compressed air after the drying process is assessed indirectly according to its dew point, at working or atmospheric pressure as required. The dew point value measured must, in normal operation, stay below the design rating of the dryer.

Each of the two towers that make up the dryer has enough adsorption capacity to cope with the compressed air flow for a certain period of time (semi cycle), after which the drying process inside the tower must be stopped in order to regenerate the desiccant material. The drying process is uninterrupted between the two towers, with one of them in the drying phase and the other in the regeneration phase at any given time.

The principle of the regeneration process in a Heatless Dryer consists of circulating a flow of air at an extraordinarily low vapour pressure inside the tower. This low vapour pressure is achieved by expansion to the atmospheric pressure of a fraction of the dry air flow present at the dryer outlet.

Due to the low pressure of the vapour, the water retained by the desiccant material vaporises at operating temperature with no need for heating, and the vaporisation heat is given up by the desiccant, the latter having accumulated it during the adsorption process. The regeneration air carries the water vapour out of the dryer.

The regeneration process takes place at atmospheric pressure, so the tower for regeneration must be decompressed before starting the process and then brought back up to operating pressure (pressurization) once regeneration is complete.

The tower is pressurised with a fraction of the dryer outlet process air, and this lasts until the end of the current drying semi cycle. During this time, the flow of treated process air accumulates inside the tower, gradually raising its pressure until the operating value is reached.

Main Features:

  • Presiones Máximas de trabajo hasta 350 Bar
  • Temperaturas de trabajo hasta 60ºC
  • Caudales de trabajo hasta 7000 m3/h
  • Punto de Rocío hasta -70ªC
  • Cycle: Fixed or linked to with dew-point set point
  • ATEX Certification ( Upon request)


  • Glass Market
  • Chemical Market
  • Oil & Gas
  • Petrochemical Market
  • Energy Market

Mixed Dryer (Refrigeration + Adsorption)


Adsorption dryers Heat Regenerated